If any student is caught cheating or attempting to use unfair means in examinations / tests / assignments he / she will be awarded 0 (zero) for that subject.
- Punctuality and regularity in attendance, proper uniform, an earnest effort in home-work assignments and gentlemanly behavior in and outside the school are always insisted on and in all these matters the parents’ full co-operation is expected at all times.
- Students are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable literature to the school, or to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealer at or near the school premises.
- Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises without the written permission of the Principal / Coordinators.
Whenever leave has been sanctioned, the fact should be recorded in the record of attendance (given in the school diary). Absence from school in order to study is never allowed.
- Damage to school property, however small, will not be condoned. Stringent disciplinary measures will be taken against such offenders. The Parents will have to bear the fine and expenses of the fine and expenses of the damaged property.
- Loitering on the way to school or while returning home is totally discouraged.
- Students are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct in and outside the School. Hence, misbehavior in public places and conveyance will lead to serious disciplinary action.
- On their way to and from the school, students must remember that the school when they meet them, it being understood, of course that teachers return their greeting. Thus every pupil is urged to contribute to the high moral tone of the school by his / her manners and deportment.
- Hands in pockets, slouching gait, untidy dress, dirty shoes and in the case of senior boys unshaven are misdemeanours. Courtesy to staff, visitors and fellows students is expected at all times.
- On the campus, students are strictly forbidden to talk to or entertain parents, friends, visitors, etc. without the prior permission of the Principal.
- During the absence of the teacher from the class, students must obey the prefect or monitor appointed to maintain good order.
- On school days and at all functions, pupils must wear the prescribed uniform and the uniform must be neat and tidy.
- All students must converse in English only, while on the campus, it being understood that CHARLES’S WAIN ACADEMY is an English medium school. Defaulters will be fined heavily.
- Every pupil must take part in physical training and games unless declared unfit on medical grounds by a competent authority and exempted by the Principal. Students are forbidden to join any outside sports organization without prior permission of the Principal.
- Use or possession of mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets are not allowed within the school premises. If such gadgets are found, it will be confiscated and the owner will be levied its cost as fine. Ragging is strictly forbidden; anyone who is guilty of ragging will be severely dealt with.