Charles's Wain Academy organised a special AWARENESS PROGRAM ON CYBER CRIME & Anti Narcotics on Founder's day.
Founder's day marked 84th Birth Anniversary of the founder of school, Sh. R.C. Bahuguna ji who devoted his life to provide best education to the children of the rural area. The day was remembered as 8th Founder's Day to spread the teachings of the great visionary who made significant contribution in every field for the upliftment of the society.
Luckily we celebrate
National Computer Security Day on the same day on November 30. The objective of the program was to aware our youth and especially school children about the health hazards of consuming narcotic drugs. The program also highlighted the burning issue of Cybercrime which has become a serious issue among youth and young generation these days due to increased use of social media platforms by everyone. Addiction or excess use of cyber activities knowingly or unknowingly may lead to criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network, or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed intentionally by cybercriminals in fraudulent cases. National Computer Security Day is celebrated every year on 30 November. We observe this day to draw the attention of people towards the importance of computer security or cyber security.
Our youth must understand the difference between cyber crime and cyber security.
One should distinguish between ethical hacking and malicious hacking and the consequences arising out of it.
Teenagers and young generation must get themselves away from cyber related issues and be awarded of their rights and good practices.